Snoring is a very common sound that nearly everyone will make from time to time. It’s when this sound occurs nightly that it becomes a problem and could be a sign that you’re suffering from an underlying condition.
If your partner informs you that you’re snoring, it’s highly recommended that you get this condition diagnosed to determine if treatment is necessary.
What Is Snoring?
Snoring is a relatively harsh sound that takes place while sleeping. This sound occurs when air travels past various tissues in your throat that have become relaxed. The tissues will invariably vibrate as you breathe. While most individuals will snore every now and then, this condition can be problematic if your snoring is chronic. In rare situations, the presence of snoring could be an indication of a serious health concern. Many cases of snoring can be stopped entirely by making some significant lifestyle changes, which include everything from losing weight to sleeping directly on your side.

Main Symptoms of Snoring
Snoring is typically accompanied by a sleep disorder that’s known as sleep apnea. The many symptoms that occur with this condition include pauses in breathing while sleeping, a restless sleep, a sore throat when you wake up, headaches in the morning, difficulties with breathing, high blood pressure, and chest pain during the night. Your sleep might also be very light because of the snoring, which means that you might be more tired than usual upon waking in the morning. When affected by obstructive sleep apnea, it’s possible that your breathing could stop more than five times each hour of sleep.
How Snoring Is Caused
There are many factors that could cause you to start snoring, which extend from various nasal problems to your basic sleep position. When the airways in your throat are narrowed for some reason, your snoring will become louder. The main causes associated with snoring include being overweight, having narrow airways because of large tonsils, nasal problems like a deviated septum, and having a history of snoring in the family.
Potential Complications of Snoring
If you don’t treat your case of snoring early on, there are many potential complications that you would need to deal with. For instance, the presence of snoring could cause you to be sleepy during the day. You’ll also be at a greater risk of suffering from heart conditions, stroke, and high blood pressure. Additional complications include difficulties with concentrating and frequent anger and irritation.
Treatments Available for Snoring
Before you obtain any medications or surgical procedures to correct your snoring, your doctor at Nasal & Sinus Surgery Center will likely first recommend that you make some lifestyle changes, which include avoiding alcohol consumption before going to bed, losing weight, sleeping on your side, and treating any nasal congestion. If these lifestyle changes aren’t enough to get rid of your snoring, you could obtain surgery on the upper airways or use a CPAP machine to minimize your snoring during the night.