
Medication is usually all that’s needed to manage a mild or moderate sinus infection, especially if this is only a temporary inconvenience for you. However, some people have infections affecting the sinus cavities and nasal passages on a recurring basis, sometimes to the point where sinus infections are considered chronic (chronic sinusitis). This is one of the most common reasons to be referred to a sinus surgery clinic.

Why Visit a Sinus Surgery Clinic?

Other than chronic sinus infections not responding well to conservative treatment options that may include regular nasal irrigation, you may visit a sinus surgery clinic because of a growth or other obstruction in one of your sinus cavities that needs to be surgically removed. A sinus procedure could also be appropriate if you are experiencing sinus issues related to:

  • Nasal polyps
  • Swollen or damaged tissue
  • Defects affecting one or more sinus cavities
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What Types of Surgery Are Performed?

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is the most common type of sinus surgery performed today since it involves minimally invasive techniques. It’s done through the nostrils with small instruments and a lighted scope with an attached lens (nasal endoscope).

Image-guided surgery is basically an extension of a traditional FESS procedure that’s done when there is a need for added visual guidance. It involves the use of an image-guided system that includes CT scans. This approach to sinus surgery is likely to be recommended when there is a need to perform a delicate sinus procedure or reach one of the sinus cavities that’s difficult to access.

If you come to a sinus surgery clinic because of a sinus cavity growth or serious drainage issues, you may be a good candidate for what’s referred to as a Caldwell-Luc operation. It involves creating a pathway from your nose to the maxillary sinus under your eye. Some patients also benefit from endoscopic skull base surgery if this is the most effective way to access an affected sinus cavity that needs surgical attention.

What Else Can You Expect When Visiting a Sinus Surgery Clinic?

You can also receive a thorough evaluation of your sinuses at a sinus clinic. The results will determine whether or not surgery is your best option. If surgery is recommended, you may receive additional advice on how to reduce your risk of experiencing disruptive sinus problems in the future. For instance, if you have issues with nasal congestion, you may be advised to rinse your nasal passages on a regular basis. Patients can also expect to receive appropriate follow-up care once surgery is completed.

The goal with any type of sinus surgery performed at a clinic is to create a situation where air flows normally through the sinus cavities. If you respond well to the procedure that’s recommended, you may also notice fewer issues with loud snoring, fewer serious sinus infections, and even improvements with sleep apnea if this is one of the reasons why surgery was recommended for you. Some patients also find it easier to manage nasal allergies once sinus passages are clear and unobstructed.

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