The tonsils are part of your immune system. Since they are located at the entrance of your throat, they are able to prevent microorganisms from entering your body. They are also loaded with white blood cells that help to kill germs. There is a pair of tonsils found near the back of your throat. These are the only ones that can be seen when opening your mouth. Further up in the throat are the adenoids that can only be seen using special instruments. Adenoids are actually part of the body’s lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing infections and maintaining the balance of your body’s fluids. The lingual tonsil is found under your tongue, on its back surface.
All of these structures that are found around your mouth and throat form a ring that helps block germs from entering your body at that location. Other immune system cells can function as adenoids if they have been removed.
Palatine tonsils can grow inflamed in certain situations. This condition, known as tonsillitis, causes your tonsils to begin swelling and turn a dark red color. They may even have yellow spots on them. The most common tonsillitis symptoms are fever and a sore throat. Children’s adenoids and tonsils may become enlarged, leading to difficulty breathing and sleep problems. In these cases, tonsil surgery may need to be performed by a tonsillectomy specialist.
What is a tonsillectomy?
If your tonsils need to be removed, a tonsillectomy specialist will remove them using a surgical procedure called a tonsillectomy. Even though your tonsils have immune system cells in them, they can themselves become infected and require surgical removal.
You may develop a sore throat when your tonsils swell due to an infection called tonsillitis. If you have tonsillitis frequently, you may need a tonsillectomy to be performed by a tonsillectomy specialist. Additional tonsillitis symptoms include fever, swollen neck glands, and difficulty swallowing. In some cases, the swelling that is involved with tonsillitis may resolve itself on its own. Other times, a round of antibiotics or a tonsillectomy may be needed. Sometimes, a tonsillectomy is necessary due to breathing problems like sleep apnea.
Do I need a tonsillectomy?
You may need to have a tonsillectomy performed if you are fun suffer from tonsillitis or strep throat. A single case of tonsillitis does not warrant surgery. However, if you have had multiple cases of tonsillitis or strep throat recently, a tonsillectomy may be recommended.
Tonsillectomies may be recommended to treat medical problems like:
- Difficulty breathing caused by swollen tonsils
- Loud, frequent snoring
- Sleep apnea
- Tonsils cancer
Your Tonsillectomy
Tonsils can be removed using a number of different methods. One popular technique is known as “cold knife dissection.” In this situation, your tonsillectomy specialist will remove your tonsils using a scalpel.
Tonsils can also be removed using a technique involving burning tissues through something called cauterization. Ultrasound energy can also be employed to remove tonsils, typically taking about half an hour to complete.